In order to see clearly, it is enough to change the direction of your gaze. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Various parties involved often do not or wrongly understand simple questions and answers. We believe that many solutions to current issues can readily be applied. However, many users and decision-makers find them difficult to grasp. Common sense and clarity in the matter usually help us to find a way out. That is why we have set ourselves the task of always presenting the respective topic of our block in two parts. We prepare the content for the parties interested and experts depending on the viewpoint to promote comprehensive and mutual understanding.
Our experts want to dig deeper into the matter and exchange solutions and problems that go beyond specialist terminology. We are happy to share and develop knowledge and detailed solutions. We aim to operate as a knowledge platform and not only to present but also develop topics in a form of collective intelligence. We firmly believe that knowledge can be shared or copied.
In addition to in-house publications, this includes guest contributions and development possibilities. We always welcome suggestions, questions, and commentary. We look forward to actively exchange them.
13 Februar 2014
Gastbeitrag von Conny Dethloff
Conny Dethloff ist diplomierter Mathematiker und seit 1999 in der Wirtschaft tätig. Im Jahr 2006 begann er seine "Reise des Verstehens" in Zusammenhänge der Wirtschaft und Ökonomie. Die Impressionen seiner Reise hält er in einem Logbuch unter www.blog-conny-dethloff.de fest. 2013 wurde seine Website "Reise des Verstehens" zu einer der "besten Adressen im Weiterbildungs-Web" durch die Fachzeitschrift managerSeminare/trainerlink.de ernannt.
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