We are bound by trust, discretion and professionalism.
We are accustomed to working with partners who also have a comprehensive view of problems and their solutions. Together, we work toward a goal and have a similar understanding of customer-orientation and -value.
We view consulting as dealing with people and organisations and assuming personal responsibility for an assignment. In line with Warren Buffett’s quote "Surround yourself with people who are better than you. It will rub off on you." we continue to learn from each other and with clients and we actively pass on knowledge.
OTTO Group, Hamburg, Germany
- Management of major strategic projects
- Business architecture of multichannel trade, procurement, and planning
- Scope management of SAP implementation
- IT area management for corporate architecture, key accounting and controlling
- Project management of market test Brazil
LASCANA, Hamburg, Germany
- Managing director of stationary and multichannel trade in product range swim/underwear
Taufkirchen, Germany
- Director merchandising for market launch and development of US joint venture
SPORTSCHECK GmbH, Munich, Germany
- B2B and B2C leftover liquidation management including multi-branch operations, Web shop, and catalogue busines
- Exports management for market development Switzerland
- Imports management as setup and development of private-brand development and procurement logistics
ROHÈ GOLF-HANDELS GmbH, Buchholz, Germany
- Procurement and planning
- Reorganisation of shipments department and branch management
- Advertising coordination and marketing
Hamburg, Germany
- Customer-service manager for procurement of golf clubs and accessories, production, and customs fitting
- Reorganisation of central warehouse
- Preparation of mail-order catalogues
Eddie Bauer Inc. Seattle, United States
- Market entrance Europe and setup of vendor management (social auditing, etc.)
Sera Tekstil, Istanbul, Turkey
- Collection development
Eddie Bauer Inc., Hong Kong, China
- Multiplication supply chain and vendor management
Apart International GmbH,
Hamburg, Germany
- Planning systems and stationary implementation
Frankonia Handels GmbH und Co. KG, Rottendorf, Germany
- Assessment procurement systems
Salt Solutions GmbH, Dresden, Germany
- Enhancement of materials-management system
Hermes Fulfilment GmbH, Hamburg,
- Definition of logistics services
Heinrich Heine GmbH, Karlsruhe,
- Centralization ofiImports and exports management
Alba Moda GmbH, Bad Salzufflen,
- Assessment procurement/planning systems
Schwab Versand GmbH, Hanau, Germany
- Stationary conception
HIS Textil GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
- Implementation of wholesale management